It starts with one step

Andrea Jost
I work internationally as a value and system oriented life and business coach.
The road leading to this point was exciting. Characterized by ups and downs. There were moments when my body went on strike and others when my soul cried out loud. For a long time I didn’t understand, didn’t want to understand, that a process was ongoing. A change process. It was a stony path and the small targets along the way made everything so special. After many wonderful years in the banking business where I met numerous exciting personalities, there were suddenly intensive encounters with people who devoted themselves to completely different topics.
People who, in addition to performance and success, also brought values such as mindfulness, harmony, inner peace, freedom, self-determination, health and further development into my life. The combination of everything I had experienced, seen and felt made it possible for me to break new ground. In my case that means: daring to try out new things but also retain the proven, tackling issues and shaping the things I hold important. Finally, harmonize body, mind and soul.
The best is yet to come!
– Extensive experience in the banking and sales industry
– Diploma Value Oriented Systemic Coach + Consultant (SCM) R
– Diploma Value-Oriented Systemic TeamCoach (SCM) R
– Diploma Value-Oriented Systemic ConstellationCoach (SCM) R
– Experience in FaceReading as well as in Biological Healing Knowledge
– CQM-Mental Coach

my Logo the feather
The feather is a symbol of lightness in many ancient cultures. But it also symbolizes courage, strength and power. With a feather we often unconsciously associate a bird flying freely in the sky. Thus, we also associate with it the element of air, which is not visible, but nevertheless plays a major role in our lives. To be free, brave, strong and powerful, the dream of every individual. Deep within us, we are moved by issues that we often do not „dare“ to address. May the visibility of my logo give you the strength and courage to tackle your issues and go your way.